sábado, 27 de enero de 2007

Week 3

Pascal, Blaise (1623-1662)

"We are usually convinced more easily by reasons we have found ourselves than by those which have occurred to others..."

- I think that Pascal was trying to say that when you comit your own mistakes in life, or when your try for your own you would learn more and actually value it more than if someone else did itfor you, becuase in that case, you would ignore all the things that had to go threw just to get to the goal.

Also I want to say that these week i thought that I understood all the topics but when the quiz came I realized that it wasn't so... I think that I have to put more effort in this class and in all of them becuase its my last semester, hopefully next quiz I would remember what to do.
P.D. La imagen es una pintura de Andy Warhol..


lunes, 22 de enero de 2007

2nda semana....

hola de nuevo..
haha no se que ecribir pero acabo de ver el blog de gloria y me gusto, visitenlo..(: aver si al rato me paseo por los otros blogs...
aaah bueno, ahora sobre cálculo... pues creo que le voy entendiendo al tema y ojala que así sea todo el semestre, talvez las integrales están mas fáciles que otros temas..y espero que me vaya bien este semestre...bueno, creo que ya es todo, saludos a linda (: y a todos los que visiten mi blog y me dejen comentario (:

miércoles, 17 de enero de 2007

week 1

- Why do you think this activity starts with the Martin Luther King Jr. quotation?
To honor his birthday that was this week. Also to remember hi and all the things that he did for his nation and his people. He was a very wise and intelligent man that did so many things and deserves to be honored.

- When do you think you could use a Blog in this course?
To write about how we are feeling about our class and what concerns us during the course. Also, so you may get an idea of what is going good and what is going bad with us in class. And so that you can see in what we are suffering (: